Welcome to DataScope, a web site devoted to the art and science of statistical graphics, with special attention to multivariate data analysis. The web site is also home for materials related to research organization and drug design.
This web-site has been initiated by Paul Lewi (1938-2012) and Luc Wouters.
Table of Contents
- Drug Design with Dr. Paul Janssen, a multilingual article by Paul Lewi:
- Speaking of Graphics
An ebook on graphicacy in science, technology, and business by Paul Lewi. The book covers the history and development of data visualization methods starting with the Quipu of the Incas and going through to the sophisticated methods of multivariate data analysis.
- Multivariate Data Analysis
A short introduction to multivariate analysis by Paul Lewi, starting from univariate and bivariate methods to factorial data analysis, including principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, and spectral map analysis (also referred to as log-ratio analysis).
- Nonlinear Modeling Application in Experimental Pharmacology
Thesis MSc. Biostatistics L. Wouters
- Graphical exploration of gene expression data: a comparative study of three multivariate techniques
Original version of a manuscript submitted to Biometrics. The article appeared in Biometrics 59, 1133-1141, 2003.
The definitive version of the article is available at the journal site (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291541-0420)
- Graphical Exploration of Gene Expression Data by Spectral Map Analysis
A presentation held by Luc Wouters at the DIA (Drug Information Association) 3rd International Workshop on Statistical Methodology in Non-Clinical R&D, September 26-27, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
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- Succesful Pharmaceutical Discovery
An article by P. Lewi, submitted to the Journal R&D Management, describing the concept of research organization of Dr. Paul Janssen, founder of Janssen Pharmaceutica. The concept comprises organization around competent people and continuous critical questions.
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- The Smart Design of Animal Experiments - 2018 (e-book)
An e-book based on a series of workshops on experimental design in animal research presented at VIB, VUB, and KUL in the period 2011-2018.
(1.28 MB)
- Presentation Smart Design of Animal Experiments - KUL 2018
(19.9 MB)
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